The next Parent Class To Help Your Teen starts September 27th!
Empowering Workshops For Parents
Practical, fun and evidence based workshops to help you navigate the uncertain waters of parenting teens and preteens.
“I have attended several of Yshai’s parenting workshops and found the information interesting, informative and easy to use. Yshai’s presentation style puts everyone at ease and his talks are engaging and real. I always walk away knowing my time was well spent. I would recommend his workshops to anyone interested in growing their parenting knowledge.”
Jennifer McMillan, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Parent of Teens
How to Help Your Teen Turn Anxiety and Depression into Resilience and Connection
Over the last 5 years, self reported rates of anxiety, depression and stress have skyrocketed among teens. Suicide rates have doubled.
When these problems aren’t addressed during adolescence, young people often experience negative long-term consequences that affect their emotional stability, physical health, and capacity to learn and grow as adults.
This comprehensive and enlightening workshop will cover essential information that every parent and teen should know. I’ll also share proven and practical strategies and tools I’ve used to help hundreds of parents and teens struggling with anxiety and depression for over 15 years.
This workshop is going to help your stressed, anxious or depressed teen develop more resilience and confidence in the face of obstacles in their path. The emphasis will be on parenting but will be relevant and helpful for teens attending also. Expect to gain tools for managing your own stress and anxiety as well. This is gonna help everyone!
What you can expect:
- More clarity about what anxiety and depression actually is and how it works in our brain and body.
- To learn how you may be inadvertently enabling these problems along with proven strategies to help your child overcome these limitations.
- An interesting and worthwhile experience packed with information that’s relatable and will make sense.
- A room filled with other well meaning parents and teens wanting to figure out how to help themselves and/or a loved one better manage their anxiety or depression.
- Answers to your questions.
How To Help Our Sons And Daughters Become Their Best Selves
How do we help boys step out of the gender straight jacket that says:
“You are superior to girls”, “sadness and fear are weak” or “instead of taking responsibility, just blame others, withdraw or say you were ‘just joking around'”
Recent data on girls found that between the ages of 8 and 14, their self reported sense of confidence drops by 30%. While many girls are receiving messages like you can do and be anything, they’re also internalizing messages of “be perfect” and “do more”.
Anxiety, depression and suicide keep going up and up for both boys and girls. We as parents and as a community need to continue to reflect and learn about how to change these disturbing trends.
During this workshop I’ll answer some of these questions and we’ll discuss how we can all better address the needs of both boys and girls.
What you can expect:
- Current data and trends regarding the state or our boys and girls.
- Why both boys and girls need specific types of ongoing support to help them be their best selves.
- Why our boys, in some ways, need it even more.
- New ways to think about and address social media for girls and gaming for boys.
- Practical strategies and tools to help our sons get “permission” to be more of who they are and help so our daughters can feel more confidence and joy in their lives.
How To Respond When Things Go Wrong: Setting Effective Boundaries and Limits With 21st Century Teens.
Do you have a great kid that drives you crazy sometimes? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything: grounding, yelling, taking things away, ignoring, being loving but nothing seems to “work”?
It turns out, capable and normal teenagers make dumb, impulsive and often very dangerous decisions. Of course, you know this all too well. What most of us struggle with is how to respond.
If you’re interested in more effective strategies for dealing with issues like skipping school, sneaking out, using drugs/alcohol, being verbally aggressive at home or even more minor concerns, you’ll find this workshop helpful.
How we respond as parents to our child’s challenging behavior will determine how and when they grow out of it.
This workshop is designed to give you hope and practical tools to help you through those hard moments so you and your teen aren’t just putting out fires but creating a different culture that revolves around empathy, problem solving and kindness.
Your teen will benefit from coming to this as well as they’ll learn more about how they can get more of what they want and less of what they don’t want (parents getting frustrated so much).
Teens & Screens: Parenting balanced kids online and off.
Learn how to help your teen inhabit their digital world responsibly. Expect practical strategies useful to both parents and teens.
Cell phones and other devices, gaming and social media are an unavoidable part of life for teens and, increasingly, preteens. As parents and those who care about these kids, it’s up to us to stay informed and continually figure out how to thoughtfully ensure that our kids are using their devices in ways that add to their life while doing our best to help mitigate the negative effects.
In this workshop, you’ll learn up to date research on the impact of social media and gaming on teens along with practical strategies and solutions to help your child develop healthy habits both online and off.
This workshop will take a balanced approach to addressing devices that will appeal to both parents and their teens.
What past participants had to say...
“Very well done.”
“Examples of what kids say to you was very helpful.”
“You did a great job.”
“I learned about how to create a positive atmosphere in the midst of a crisis.”
“I benefited from A few different perspectives and just being in a group of parents struggling around the same concepts.”
“Looking forward to more!”
“Helpful advice with research and fact backups, and you didn’t treat us as bad/stupid parents.”
“It was great! So helpful!”
“We will absolutely be back! This was great! Thank you!”
“Do it again so my husband can come.”